9 Best Udemy Python Courses - Which One Suits You Best?

9 Best Udemy Python Courses 2023: Which Is Best For You?

Python, a versatile and in-demand programming language, is the key to unlocking a world of coding opportunities. 

Whether you’re a beginner eager to learn the basics, an intermediate learner seeking to advance your skills, or an enthusiast aiming for mastery, Udemy’s vast array of Python courses can pave the way. 

But, what are the best Udemy Python courses?

In this guide, we’ll navigate the landscape of the “Best Udemy Python Courses,” helping you choose the ideal course that aligns with your learning objectives and style. 

From understanding the fundamentals to diving into data science and machine learning, Udemy offers a pathway to Python proficiency. 

Let’s get right into it. 

What is Python? 

Python is a high-level, versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has since gained immense popularity for a wide range of applications, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and scientific computing. 

Its clear and concise syntax makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced programmers. Python’s extensive standard library and an active community of developers contribute to its success, providing a wealth of pre-built modules and tools that streamline programming tasks. 

Python’s versatility and broad adoption make it a preferred choice for various industries and a valuable language for anyone interested in coding.

How Does Udemy Work?

Best Udemy Python Courses: How Does Udemy Work?

Udemy is an online learning platform where users can select from a vast library of courses, ranging from diverse subjects to specialized skills. 

To get started, users create an account, enroll in the best Udemy courses (which can be free or paid), and gain lifetime access to course content, including video lectures and supplementary materials. 

Progress can be tracked, and certificates are often awarded upon course completion. Users can engage with instructors and peers through discussion forums, ask questions, and leave reviews. 

Udemy accommodates mobile and offline learning, and courses frequently come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring a flexible and accessible learning experience for individuals seeking to acquire new skills or expand their knowledge.

9 Best Udemy Python Courses Overview

Course TitleTarget AudienceCourse ContentPrice
1. The Complete Python BootcampBeginnersComprehensive Python fundamentals$79.99
2. 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023Various levelsIn-depth Python, Data Science, and Web Development$79.99
3. Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 – Functional)IntermediateIn-depth Python concepts, functional programming$79.99
4. Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 AppsBeginners and IntermediatesPython, web development, practical projects$129.99
5. Python for Absolute BeginnersComplete beginnersPython basics and practical exercises$79.99
6. Learn Python Programming – Beginner to MasterBeginners and IntermediatesPython fundamentals, hands-on projects$19.99
7. Learn Python Programming MasterclassAll levelsComprehensive Python curriculum, practical projects$79.99
8. Python 3: FundamentalsBeginners and Python enthusiastsPython basics and coding best practices$79.99
9. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning BootcampAspiring Data ScientistsData Science and Machine Learning with Python$79.99

Let’s get right into the best Udemy Python courses list.

9 Best Udemy Python Courses

1. The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python

Best Udemy Python Courses: The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python

Are you on a quest to master Python and become a programming whiz? Look no further, as “The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python” is a Udemy course designed to turn you into a Python pro.

As my number 1 on this best Udemy Python courses list, I’ll provide an in-depth overview of this course, highlighting who it’s best suited for, what you’ll learn, its cost, pros, cons, and a quick summary.

Who is The Complete Python Bootcamp for?

This course caters to a diverse audience, making it inclusive for beginners and intermediate learners alike:

  • Beginners: If you’re new to programming and Python, this bootcamp is an excellent starting point. It introduces Python’s fundamentals in a beginner-friendly manner, making it approachable for those with little to no prior coding experience.
  • Intermediate Learners: For those with some coding background, “The Complete Python Bootcamp” serves as a robust refresher and provides an opportunity to delve deeper into Python. It’s an excellent choice for solidifying your skills and exploring advanced Python concepts.

What You’ll Learn

“The Complete Python Bootcamp” lives up to its name by offering an extensive curriculum that covers a wide range of Python topics. Throughout the course, you’ll explore:

  • Python’s core concepts and syntax, laying a strong foundation.
  • Data structures like lists, dictionaries, and sets, essential for data manipulation.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, a key to developing Python applications.
  • Error handling and exception management, ensuring your code runs smoothly.
  • File input/output, enabling data storage and retrieval.
  • Utilizing modules and libraries to enhance your Python projects.
  • Regular expressions for efficient text processing.
  • Decorators and generators, allowing for advanced Python programming.
  • Hands-on experience through practical projects that reinforce your learning.
  • Problem-solving and algorithmic thinking skills.
  • Working with external data sources like JSON and CSV files.
  • Web scraping and data manipulation, valuable in the data-driven world.
  • Building graphical user interfaces (GUI) with Python for creating interactive applications.

How Much Does The Complete Python Bootcamp Cost?

The course’s pricing may vary, but normally you can expect a price of $79.99, but Udemy often features promotions and discounts which can reduce the costs significantly. 

It’s recommended to check Udemy’s official website for the most up-to-date pricing. While it may come with a cost, the investment is justified given the comprehensive content and expert instruction.


  • This course offers an in-depth understanding of Python, suitable for those who wish to explore Python beyond the basics.
  • Once you enroll, you’ll enjoy lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit and review the content at your own pace.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to work on real Python projects, enabling you to apply your knowledge in a practical context.
  • The course is led by an experienced and engaging instructor who excels at breaking down complex concepts into understandable parts.


  • Due to the comprehensive nature of the course, it may not be the best choice if you’re seeking a quick introduction to Python. It’s an extensive commitment.
  • While there are numerous free Python resources available, this course comes with a price tag. However, the investment is well worth the quality of education you receive.

In Summary

“The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python” is an accessible and comprehensive course suitable for learners of all levels. It equips you with a strong foundation in Python, enabling you to develop your applications and work on real-world projects. 

With lifetime access, practical projects, and expert instruction, this course is a valuable investment in your coding journey. If you seek a quicker, cost-free introduction to Python, you may want to explore other options. Regardless, this course empowers you to become a Python hero, from zero to mastery.

2. 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023

Best Udemy Python Courses: 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023

Second on this Best Udemy Python Courses list, I’ve got the “100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023” on Udemy is a course that claims make you an expert. 

In this part of this best Udemy python courses review, we’ll explore who this course is best suited for, what you’ll gain from it, its pricing, the pros and cons, and offer a summary to help you decide if this is the right Python bootcamp for you.

Who is 100 Days of Code for?

“100 Days of Code” is designed for individuals who are passionate about Python programming and eager to become proficient in a structured manner. This course is ideal for:

  • Python Enthusiasts: If you have a strong interest in Python and are dedicated to mastering it within a defined timeframe, this bootcamp is tailored for you.
  • Intermediate Python Developers: For those who already have some Python experience and want to take their skills to the next level, this course offers a systematic and challenging path to progress.

What You’ll Learn

This bootcamp promises a comprehensive learning experience, covering a wide array of Python-related topics. Throughout the course, you will delve into:

  • Python’s fundamentals and syntax, ensuring a solid foundation.
  • Advanced Python concepts and features to elevate your coding skills.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) principles in depth.
  • Python libraries and modules for practical development.
  • Data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Real-world projects to apply your knowledge and build a portfolio.
  • API and web development using Python.
  • Building data-driven applications and web scraping.
  • GUI (Graphical User Interface) development.
  • Working with databases and deploying applications.

The “100 Days of Code” approach involves daily coding challenges, which are designed to reinforce your learning and make you a Python pro in 100 days.

How Much Does 100 Days of Code Cost?

The cost of this course is $79.99, giving you lifetime access to this course and future updates of this course. The pricing may vary depending on promotions and discounts offered by Udemy. For the most up-to-date pricing, it’s recommended to check Udemy’s official website. 

Keep in mind that this course comes with a price, but it’s a worthwhile investment for dedicated learners who want to advance their Python skills rapidly.


  • The 100-day format provides a structured and systematic approach to becoming proficient in Python, ensuring that you remain consistent in your coding practice.
  • This bootcamp covers a broad spectrum of Python topics, from basics to advanced concepts, ensuring that you gain a well-rounded skill set.
  • Practical projects help you apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, which is essential for skill development.
  • Daily coding challenges keep you engaged and help solidify your Python skills.


  • The 100-day timeframe can be demanding, and it may not be suitable for individuals with limited time availability.
  • This course may not be the best starting point for those who are entirely new to programming or Python. Some prior knowledge is advisable.

In Summary

“100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023” offers an intensive 100-day journey to Python proficiency. It’s best suited for Python enthusiasts and intermediate developers seeking a comprehensive Python education. 

With a broad curriculum, daily coding challenges, and practical projects, it’s a rewarding investment for dedicated learners. However, this bootcamp may not be suitable for absolute beginners, and the 100-day commitment can be demanding.

3. Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 – Functional)

Best Udemy Python Courses: Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)

Are you ready to explore Python in-depth and sharpen your skills in functional programming? “Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 – Functional)” is a Udemy course designed for just that. 

In this part of my best Udemy python courses list, we’ll delve into this course, detailing who it’s designed for, what you’ll learn, its pricing, the pros and cons, and provide a succinct summary to help you determine if this Python deep dive is the right fit for your learning journey.

Who is Python 3: Deep Dive for?

This course is tailored for individuals who are eager to deepen their understanding of Python and explore the world of functional programming. It’s well-suited for:

  • Intermediate Python Developers: If you’ve already got some Python experience and want to take your skills to the next level, this course will provide the intellectual challenge you seek.
  • Functional Programming Enthusiasts: Those interested in functional programming and its application in Python will find this course both engaging and instructive.

What You’ll Learn

“Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 – Functional)” takes you on a journey into Python’s functional programming capabilities. Throughout the course, you’ll explore:

  • The fundamental principles of functional programming, including pure functions, immutability, and higher-order functions.
  • Python’s built-in tools for functional programming, such as lambda functions, map, filter, and reduce.
  • List comprehensions and generator expressions, which are integral to functional programming.
  • How to work with modules and libraries that support functional programming paradigms.
  • Best practices for writing clean and efficient functional code.
  • Real-world applications of functional programming concepts in Python, which include solving problems and optimizing code.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the functional programming approach in Python and the ability to apply these principles to real-world coding challenges.

How Much Does Python 3: Deep Dive Cost?

The course’s pricing is normally $79.99 but it can vary, and it’s recommended to check Udemy’s official website for the most current rates. While it does come with a cost, the investment is justified by the in-depth knowledge you’ll gain in functional programming with Python.


  • This course provides a thorough exploration of functional programming principles in Python, making it a valuable resource for those looking to advance their Python skills.
  • With a specific focus on functional programming, the course is ideal for those who want to specialize in this aspect of Python.
  • Practical applications of functional programming concepts ensure that you can apply your knowledge in real coding scenarios.


  • This course may not be suitable for beginners who are new to Python. It assumes a certain level of prior Python knowledge.
  • As Part 1 of a series, this course focuses solely on functional programming. If you’re looking for a broader Python education, you may need to complement it with additional courses.

In Summary

“Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 – Functional)” is a dedicated course for intermediate Python developers and functional programming enthusiasts. It offers an in-depth exploration of functional programming principles in Python, with a focus on practical applications. 

While not recommended for beginners, it’s a valuable resource for those who seek specialized knowledge in this area of Python programming. If you’re looking for a comprehensive Python education, keep in mind that this is the first part of a series and may need to be supplemented with additional courses to cover all aspects of Python development.

4. Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps

Best Udemy Python Courses: Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps

Next up on this best Udemy Python courses list, I’ve got the “Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps” course. 

In this part of my best Udemy Python courses review, we’ll dive into the details of this course, including its target audience, what you’ll gain from it, the pricing, the pros and cons, and provide a concise summary to help you decide if this Python mega course aligns with your learning goals.

Who is Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps for?

This course caters to a broad audience, making it suitable for a wide range of learners:

  • Beginners: If you’re entirely new to programming and Python, this course offers an excellent starting point. The course is structured to accommodate those with little to no prior coding experience.
  • Python Enthusiasts: If you’re enthusiastic about Python and want to rapidly expand your skill set by building a variety of applications, this course provides an exciting opportunity.
  • Anyone with Limited Time: The 60-day timeframe is designed to accommodate individuals with busy schedules who wish to learn Python efficiently.

What You’ll Learn

The “Python Mega Course” offers an ambitious curriculum that includes a wide range of topics. Throughout the course, you’ll explore:

  • Python fundamentals and syntax, providing a solid foundation.
  • Working with various Python libraries and modules to build different types of applications.
  • Developing 20 real-world Python projects, covering diverse applications like web applications, databases, data analysis, and more.
  • Problem-solving and coding skills by building practical applications.
  • Strategies for efficient programming and clean code.

This course aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of Python and practical skills through hands-on projects.

How Much Does Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps Cost?

Pricing for this course is normally $129.99, but can be reduced by Udemy’s often discounts and promotions, so it’s advisable to check Udemy’s official website for the most current rates. While it comes with a cost, the investment is justifiable given the extensive curriculum and practical project-based learning.


  • This course offers a fast-paced, hands-on approach to learning Python, making it ideal for those who want to gain skills in a short period.
  • Building 20 real-world applications means you’ll get exposure to a wide range of Python use cases, which can be highly beneficial.
  • Hands-on projects are a valuable way to reinforce learning and apply your knowledge to real coding scenarios.
  • The course is structured to accommodate beginners, providing a friendly learning curve.


  • The 60-day duration may be challenging for individuals with limited time availability or those looking for a more leisurely learning pace.
  • Due to the broad range of topics covered, the course may provide less in-depth exploration of certain concepts compared to specialized courses.

In Summary

“Python Mega Course: Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps” is a rapid and practical way to become proficient in Python. It’s suitable for beginners and Python enthusiasts looking to learn quickly through project-based learning. 

With a broad curriculum and hands-on projects, this course offers an efficient path to mastering Python. However, the fast-paced schedule may not be suitable for everyone, and those seeking a deeper dive into specific Python topics might want to consider specialized courses.

5. Python for Absolute Beginners

Best Udemy Python Courses: Python for Absolute Beginners

As the name reveals, “Python for Absolute Beginners” is a Udemy course tailored precisely for individuals at the entry level of Python programming. 

In this part of this best Udemy python courses review, we will delve into the specifics of this course, including its target audience, what you can expect to learn from it, its pricing, the advantages, the potential drawbacks, and offer a succinct summary to help you decide if “Python for Absolute Beginners” aligns with your learning objectives.

Who is Python for Absolute Beginners for?

This course is specially designed for individuals who are entirely new to programming and Python. It’s a fantastic choice for:

  • Complete Novices: If you have never written a line of code before and want to start your programming journey with Python, this course is a perfect fit.
  • Non-Technical Backgrounds: Even if you come from a non-technical background and have no prior experience with coding, this course is created to be accessible and friendly to newcomers.
  • Individuals Seeking a Gentle Introduction: For those who prefer a gentle, beginner-friendly introduction to the world of Python, this course is an excellent starting point.

What You’ll Learn

“Python for Absolute Beginners” focuses on providing a solid foundation in Python programming. Throughout the course, you will explore:

  • Python’s fundamental syntax and core concepts.
  • Variables, data types, and basic operations in Python.
  • Control structures like if statements and loops.
  • Functions and how to define and use them.
  • Input and output operations for interacting with users.
  • Common Python libraries and modules.
  • Simple coding exercises and examples to reinforce your learning.

The course’s primary objective is to ensure that, as an absolute beginner, you’ll be comfortable with Python’s basics and be capable of writing simple programs.

How Much Does Python for Absolute Beginners Cost?

The course’s pricing is $79.99, but I recommend to check out Udemy’s often discounts, so it’s advisable to check Udemy’s official website for the most current rates. While it does come with a cost, the investment is reasonable considering the foundational knowledge you’ll gain.


  • This course is specifically tailored for absolute beginners, ensuring a gentle and accessible introduction to Python.
  • It provides a strong foundational understanding of Python’s basic concepts and syntax.
  • The cost of the course is affordable, making it accessible to a wide audience.
  • The use of simple coding exercises and examples helps reinforce your learning effectively.


  • Due to its beginner-focused nature, the course may not delve into more advanced Python concepts, which may require further education.
  • If you already have experience with Python, this course might not provide the level of challenge and depth you seek.

In Summary

“Python for Absolute Beginners” is an excellent choice for those who are new to programming and Python. It offers a gentle introduction to Python’s fundamental concepts and syntax, providing a solid foundation for further learning. With an affordable price, it’s accessible to a wide audience. 

However, if you’re seeking in-depth Python knowledge or already have experience, this course might be too elementary for your needs. For absolute beginners, it’s a great starting point on your programming journey.

6. Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master

Best Udemy Python Courses: Learn Python Programming - Beginner to Master

Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master” is a budget-friendly Udemy course that claims to guide you through every step of your Python learning journey. 

In this section of the Best Udemy Python Courses review, we will explore the course’s target audience, what you can expect to learn, its cost-effectiveness, the advantages, the potential drawbacks, and provide a concise summary to help you decide if “Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master” aligns with your learning goals.

Who is Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master for?

This course caters to a diverse audience, making it accessible to a wide range of learners:

  • Complete Beginners: If you are entirely new to programming and Python, this course is a perfect starting point. It introduces you to Python’s basics in a beginner-friendly manner.
  • Intermediate Learners: For those who already have some programming experience or Python knowledge, this course provides a structured path to take your skills to the next level and achieve mastery.

What You’ll Learn

“Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master” offers a comprehensive curriculum covering a broad range of Python-related topics. Throughout the course, you’ll explore:

  • Python’s fundamental syntax and core concepts, ensuring a strong foundation for beginners.
  • Advanced Python topics such as data structures (lists, dictionaries, sets, etc.) and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles for intermediate and advanced learners.
  • In-depth exploration of Python libraries and modules for practical application.
  • Real-world projects that range from simple beginner exercises to more complex applications, providing practical coding experience.

The course’s primary objective is to take you from a complete novice to a Python master, making it accessible and valuable for learners at various levels.

How Much Does Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master Cost?

This course is exceptionally budget-friendly, with a cost of only $19.99. Compare that with most Python courses that are priced at $79.99, this is an absolute nobrainer. The low price makes it an attractive option for those seeking quality education without breaking the bank.


  • The course is exceptionally affordable, ensuring that high-quality Python education is accessible to a wide audience.
  • It covers a broad range of Python topics, making it suitable for both beginners and intermediate learners.
  • Hands-on projects are valuable for reinforcing your learning and gaining practical coding experience.
  • The course’s structure enables beginners to start from scratch and take their Python skills to an advanced level, making it an inclusive learning resource.


  • Due to the broad scope, some beginners might find certain sections challenging, but the detailed content will be appreciated by those with prior programming experience.
  • While flexibility is a strength, self-paced learning may not be suitable for individuals who require a more structured or guided learning environment.

In Summary

“Learn Python Programming – Beginner to Master” is a budget-friendly and inclusive course suitable for both complete beginners and intermediate learners. With a comprehensive curriculum, practical projects, and a structured learning path, it offers an accessible way to achieve Python mastery. 

The exceptionally low cost of $19.99 makes it a highly cost-effective option for those looking to learn Python. While the course’s broad scope may be challenging for absolute beginners, it’s a valuable resource for those who want to progress from beginner to master in Python programming.

7. Learn Python Programming Masterclass

Best Udemy Python Courses: Learn Python Programming Masterclass

Are you seeking a comprehensive and masterful education in Python programming? “Learn Python Programming Masterclass” is a Udemy course designed to elevate your Python skills to an advanced level. 

Who is Learn Python Programming Masterclass for?

This course is tailored for a wide-ranging audience, making it suitable for various types of learners:

  • Beginners: If you are entirely new to programming and Python, this course provides a strong foundation to start your Python journey.
  • Intermediate Learners: For those with prior Python knowledge or some programming experience, this masterclass offers an opportunity to expand and deepen your Python skills.
  • Python Enthusiasts: Even if you are well-versed in Python, this course can serve as a valuable refresher and may introduce you to advanced concepts and best practices.

What You’ll Learn

The “Learn Python Programming Masterclass” offers an extensive curriculum that spans a wide range of Python-related topics. Throughout the course, you will delve into:

  • Python’s core syntax and concepts, ensuring a robust foundation for beginners.
  • Advanced Python topics, including object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, and algorithmic thinking.
  • In-depth exploration of Python libraries and modules for practical application.
  • Real-world projects that range from beginner exercises to complex, hands-on applications, providing a practical coding experience.
  • Python best practices and coding techniques that enable you to write efficient and clean code.

The course is structured to empower learners at all levels, ensuring that everyone can achieve mastery in Python programming.

How Much Does Learn Python Programming Masterclass Cost?

The cost of this course may vary, but is normally available at a price of $79.99. However, it’s advisable to check Udemy’s official website for the most up-to-date pricing. While it comes with a cost, the investment is well justified considering the comprehensive content and expert instruction.


  • The course covers a wide spectrum of Python topics, making it suitable for beginners and intermediate learners.
  • Hands-on projects are instrumental for reinforcing your learning and gaining practical coding experience.
  • The course is led by an experienced and engaging instructor who excels at breaking down complex concepts into understandable parts.
  • The course offers a structured learning path, making it accessible and beneficial for learners at all levels.


  • Due to its extensive scope, some complete beginners might find certain parts challenging. However, this can be an advantage for those with some prior experience.
  • While flexibility is a strength, self-paced learning may not be suitable for individuals who require a more structured or guided learning environment.

In Summary

“Learn Python Programming Masterclass” is a comprehensive course suitable for learners at all levels. With a broad curriculum, practical projects, and a structured learning path, it offers an accessible way to achieve mastery in Python programming. 

The investment is worthwhile, considering the extensive content and expert instruction provided. While some absolute beginners may find certain sections challenging, the course’s depth is appreciated by those with prior programming experience. 

8. Python 3: Fundamentals

Best Udemy Python Courses: Python 3: Fundamentals

Are you looking to build a solid foundation in Python and master its fundamental concepts? “Python 3: Fundamentals” is a Udemy course that focuses on precisely that.

Who is Python 3: Fundamentals for?

This course is tailored for individuals who are eager to establish a strong understanding of Python and its core principles. It’s well-suited for:

  • Complete Beginners: If you are new to programming and have little to no prior experience with Python, this course offers an excellent starting point.
  • Python Enthusiasts: For those who already have an interest in Python and want to gain a deeper understanding of its fundamental concepts, this course provides an ideal path.

What You’ll Learn

“Python 3: Fundamentals” provides a focused exploration of Python’s core concepts. Throughout the course, you will delve into:

  • Python’s fundamental syntax and core principles, ensuring a strong foundation.
  • Variables, data types, and basic operations in Python.
  • Control structures like if statements and loops.
  • Functions and how to define and use them effectively.
  • Input and output operations for interaction with users.
  • Best practices for writing clean and efficient Python code.

The course’s primary objective is to establish a strong foundation in Python programming, making it suitable for beginners and those seeking to deepen their understanding of Python’s fundamentals.

How Much Does Python 3: Fundamentals Cost?

This course is available for $79.99, giving you lifetime access to this course and its feature updates. It’s important to note that this course is often available with big discounts, making it accessible to a wide audience.


  • The course is centered on Python’s fundamental concepts, ensuring that learners establish a robust foundation in the language.
  • It provides a friendly learning curve, making it accessible for complete beginners.
  • The cost of the course is generally budget-friendly, ensuring accessibility for a wide audience.
  • Practical coding exercises and examples reinforce your learning effectively.


  • Due to its focus on fundamentals, this course may not delve into more advanced Python concepts, which may require additional education for those seeking deeper knowledge.
  • Individuals with prior Python knowledge or programming experience may find this course too elementary.

In Summary

“Python 3: Fundamentals” is a focused course ideal for beginners and Python enthusiasts looking to establish a solid foundation in Python programming. With a budget-friendly price, it ensures accessibility to a wide audience. 

While it may not cover advanced Python topics, it offers an effective path to understanding Python’s core concepts and syntax. For complete beginners and those seeking to deepen their Python fundamentals, this course provides a valuable educational resource. However, individuals with prior Python or programming experience may find it too basic for their needs and might want to explore more advanced courses.

9. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Best Udemy Python Courses: Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Last but not least on this best Udemy python courses list, I’ve got the “Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp” course. This is a Udemy course designed to equip you with the skills needed to excel in this field. 

In this section of my best Udemy python courses review, we will delve into who this course is intended for, what you can expect to learn, its pricing, the advantages, the potential drawbacks, and provide a concise summary to help you determine if this bootcamp aligns with your learning objectives.

Who is Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp for?

This bootcamp is designed for individuals who aspire to excel in the fields of data science and machine learning. It’s ideal for:

  • Aspiring Data Scientists: If you are looking to start a career in data science or enhance your existing skills, this course provides a valuable learning path.
  • Machine Learning Enthusiasts: For those who are passionate about machine learning and its practical applications, this bootcamp offers a comprehensive introduction.

What You’ll Learn

The “Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp” offers an extensive curriculum that covers a broad range of topics essential for data science and machine learning. Throughout the bootcamp, you will delve into:

  • Python programming fundamentals, ensuring you have a strong foundation.
  • Data analysis and manipulation using Python with libraries like NumPy and Pandas.
  • Data visualization techniques to effectively communicate insights.
  • Machine learning concepts, algorithms, and their implementation using libraries like Scikit-Learn.
  • Model evaluation and deployment strategies for machine learning.
  • Real-world projects that apply data science and machine learning techniques to practical problems.

The bootcamp aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to become proficient in data science and machine learning using Python.

How Much Does Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp Cost?

The cost of this bootcamp is $79.99, for lifetime access. While it comes with a cost, the investment is well justified given the comprehensive content and practical application.


  • The bootcamp covers a wide spectrum of topics relevant to data science and machine learning, ensuring you gain a well-rounded skill set.
  • Real-world projects offer valuable experience in applying data science and machine learning techniques to solve actual problems.
  • The course is led by an experienced instructor who specializes in data science and machine learning, offering expert guidance.
  • By gaining expertise in data science and machine learning, you open doors to lucrative career opportunities in these fields.


  • Given the broad scope, the bootcamp may be demanding for beginners or those with limited time availability. However, it is an excellent resource for dedicated learners.
  • Some prior programming knowledge and mathematical understanding may be beneficial, although the bootcamp does cover the basics.

In Summary

The “Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp” is a comprehensive learning resource for individuals aspiring to excel in data science and machine learning. 

With a wide-ranging curriculum, practical projects, and quality instruction, it offers a pathway to becoming proficient in these fields using Python. The investment is well worth the knowledge and skills you’ll acquire, along with the career opportunities it can unlock. 

How to Choose the Best Udemy Python Courses?

Choosing the best Udemy Python course is essential for your learning journey. Here’s a quick guide to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Define Your Goals: Know what you want to achieve with Python.
  2. Course Content: Examine the curriculum to ensure it aligns with your goals.
  3. Instructor Expertise: Check the instructor’s background and experience.
  4. Course Ratings and Reviews: Read reviews and look for highly rated courses with positive feedback.
  5. Course Preview: Use free previews to assess the teaching style and content quality.
  6. Duration and Pace: Choose a course that matches your learning style and schedule.
  7. Projects and Practical Experience: Opt for courses with hands-on projects if practical application is your goal.
  8. Additional Resources: Consider courses that provide supplementary materials and community support.
  9. Cost and Discounts: Prioritize quality over cost, but take advantage of discounts when available.
  10. Updates and Support: Ensure the course receives regular updates and offers support options.
  11. Money-Back Guarantee: Check for courses with a money-back guarantee for added security.
  12. Compatibility: Confirm that the course is compatible with your devices and systems.

By considering these factors, you can select the best Udemy Python course tailored to your learning objectives and preferences.

See also my best Java courses on Udemy article if you’re interested in learning JavaScript.

Wrap Up 

Choosing the best Udemy Python course is essential to your learning journey. With a diverse range of courses, Udemy offers something for everyone, from beginners to advanced learners. 

By defining your goals, assessing course content, considering instructor expertise, reading reviews, and factoring in pricing and guarantees, you can make an informed choice. 

Udemy’s platform is user-friendly, providing flexibility and accessibility. So, set your goals, explore course previews, enroll in the best Udemy courses, and dive into the world of Python with Udemy. Happy learning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I choose the best Udemy Python course?

To choose the best Udemy Python course, consider factors like your learning goals, the course content, instructor expertise, reviews, and pricing. Make sure the course aligns with your specific needs and preferred learning style.

2. Are best Udemy Python courses suitable for beginners?

Yes, Udemy offers Python courses suitable for beginners. Look for courses labeled as “for beginners” or those covering Python fundamentals. Many courses include practical exercises to help new learners build a strong foundation.

3. Are Udemy Python courses free?

While Udemy offers free courses, many Python courses are paid. However, Udemy frequently provides discounts and promotions, making paid courses more affordable. You can also explore free previews of paid courses to assess their quality.

4. Do I need previous programming experience to take a Python course on Udemy?

It depends on the specific course. Some Python courses are designed for complete beginners with no prior programming experience, while others may require basic knowledge of programming concepts.

5. What happens if I’m not satisfied with a Udemy course?

Udemy often offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with a course, you 

can request a refund within this period, providing a risk-free learning experience.

6. Can I access best Udemy courses on my mobile device?

Yes, Udemy offers a mobile app that allows you to access courses on smartphones and tablets. You can even download Udemy courses on pc for offline viewing.

7. Do Udemy Python courses offer certificates?

Yes, many Udemy Python courses provide certificates of completion. These certificates can be a valuable addition to your resume or LinkedIn profile, showcasing your newly acquired skills.

8. Can I interact with instructors and other students on Udemy?

Yes, these best Udemy Python courses often include features like Q&A sections and discussion forums where you can ask questions, seek assistance, and interact with both instructors and fellow students.

9. Are Udemy Python courses up-to-date with the latest Python developments?

Udemy courses can vary in terms of content updates. It’s important to check course descriptions and reviews to see if a course is regularly updated to stay current with Python’s latest developments.

Remember that while Udemy offers a wide selection of Python courses, the best Udemy Python course for you depends on your goals and preferences, so take your time to explore and find the one that suits you best.